Bid Index — RPG Limit Break 2016
Total: $61,946.09Choice Total: $44,438.06Challenge Total: $17,508.03

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Event List
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Name Run Description Amount Goal
Glitch Showcase Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga $100.00 $100.00
Character Name Soul Blazer 8 character limit $405.00
Dress Color Child of Light Which color dress should Aurora wear? $280.00
Kids Play Igniculus Child of Light Essentia's children Celise and Laurelyn get to take control of the second player $100.00 $100.00
Good Ending Suikoden II Meet Jowy at Tenzan to see the good ending. It's slower, but don't you want to see it anyway? $75.00 $75.00
Main Character Name Suikoden II 8 character limit $225.00
Name the Army Suikoden II 8 character limit $340.00
Name the Castle Suikoden II 8 character limit $925.00
Restored Audio Suikoden II The US version of the game had bugged audio, which cut out certain music tracks. If met, a patched version will be played. $100.00 $100.00
Stay and Fight or Run Away at Tinto Suikoden II If you stay and fight, you keep Ridley. If you run, you get Boris. $169.00
Ending Choice Etrian Odyssey 3 Choose which ending the run will achieve $158.00
Name the Farmer Etrian Odyssey 3 9 character limit. Two farmers are used, but this will go towards the one that matters $30.00
Name the Gladiator Etrian Odyssey 3 9 character limit $60.00
Name the Hoplite Etrian Odyssey 3 9 character limit $20.00
Name the Ninja Etrian Odyssey 3 9 character limit $10.00
Name the Zodiacs Etrian Odyssey 3 9 character limit. The top two names will be used $85.00
Sing "1000 Words" Final Fantasy X-2 Make the runners embarrass themselves by singing $100.00 $100.00
Character Name Robotrek 7 character limit $107.00
Robot Colors Robotrek Which color should the robots be? The top two will be used. $141.00
Robot Names Robotrek 7 character limit. The top two names will be used. $530.00
Character Name Yo-Kai Watch 8 character limit $300.00
Glitched Final Boss Yo-Kai Watch After the run, showcase the Soul Ultimate Cancel Attack Haste Glitch, which ruined the speedrun for many, against the final boss. $100.00 $100.00
Name Jibanyan Yo-Kai Watch 8 character limit $220.00
Name Komasan Yo-Kai Watch 8 character limit $50.00
Name Venoct Yo-Kai Watch 8 character limit $71.00
Name Walkappa Yo-Kai Watch 8 character limit $95.00
Level 1 Unknown Battle Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Fight one of the hardest bosses in the game. At level one. $500.00 $500.00
Name Gummi Ship Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix 9 character limit $460.00
Name Aya Parasite Eve 8 character limit $260.01
HONK Seiken Densetsu 3 HONK while riding Booskaboo $200.00 $200.00
Name Carlie/Angela Seiken Densetsu 3 6 character limit. The third character varies depending on the storyline $480.00
Name Kevin Seiken Densetsu 3 6 character limit $130.10
Name Lise Seiken Densetsu 3 6 character limit $140.00
Storyline Choice Seiken Densetsu 3 $800.00
Bare-Knuckled Chaos Final Fantasy Fight Chaos with no weapons equipped $317.00 $300.00
Name the Fighter Final Fantasy 6 character limit $118.33
Name the Red Mages Final Fantasy 6 character limit. Top two will be used $20.00
Name the White Mage Final Fantasy 6 character limit $16.00
Learn Megid Phantasy Star IV Normally you don't bother to get the most powerful spell in the game $260.00 $250.00
Character Name Quest for Glory I-V 20 character limit $405.00
Glitchless QFG1 EGA Run Quest for Glory I-V After the series run, do a glitchless run of the first game $250.00 $250.00
Blindfolded Proudclad 1 Final Fantasy XIII Use the force, lewd... $500.00 $500.00
Fight Edentoise Final Fantasy XIII You know that huge turtle that probably wrecked you if you played the game? You can beat it as part of the speedrun. $300.00 $300.00
Chirrup Sandals Shining Force II Make Bowie (the one in the game) wear sandals that make his movement SFX sound silly $100.00 $100.00
Name Bowie Shining Force II 7 character limit $454.00
Name Chester Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Eric Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Gerhalt Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Jaha Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Kazin Shining Force II 7 character limit $270.00
Name Lemon Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Luke Shining Force II 7 character limit $260.00
Name Peter Shining Force II 7 character limit $550.00
Name Sarah Shining Force II 7 character limit $45.00
Name Sheela Shining Force II 7 character limit $115.00
Name Slade Shining Force II 7 character limit $80.00
Push-Ups for bad RNG Shining Force II So when the game punishes the runners, it REALLY punishes them $150.00 $150.00
Shining Force II Musical Shining Force II BOWIEtheHERO wants to sing! $251.00 $250.00
Boktai Sidequest Mega Man Battle Network 6 This sidequest contains two superbosses: Bass and The Count of Groundsoaking Blood $205.00 $200.00
Fight NeoExdeath Final Fantasy V Instead of using the Kiss of Blessing exploit to skip the final boss's last and most dangerous phase, make bich fight it $619.00 $500.00
Fight the Optional Gilgamesh Battles Final Fantasy V "Now we fight like ladies and men! For Gilgamesh, it's donation time!" $310.00 $300.00
Name Bartz Final Fantasy V 6 character limit $288.00
Character Name Legend of Mana 10 character limit. Character can be either male or female. The top two names will be used. $456.00
Storyline Choice Legend of Mana $416.51
Favorite Food EarthBound 6 character limit $120.00
Favorite Thing EarthBound 6 character limit $513.02
Get the Gutsy Bat EarthBound $300.00 $300.00
Name Jeff EarthBound 5 character limit $245.01
Name Ness EarthBound 5 character limit $50.00
Name Paula EarthBound 5 character limit $30.00
Name Poo EarthBound 5 character limit $920.00
Name the Dog EarthBound 6 character limit $120.00
Name the Player EarthBound 24 character limit. The leading name will be taken twice - once at the start of the run, and again about 40 minutes in. $517.59
Name Cecilia Wild Arms (Trial Version) 8 character limit $280.00
Name Jack Wild Arms (Trial Version) 8 character limit $175.00
Name Rudy Wild Arms (Trial Version) 8 character limit $102.00
Female Mage Knight Name Disgaea 3 17 character limit $233.50
Female Warrior Names Disgaea 3 17 character limit. Top two names will be used $380.00
Final Boss Attack Animations Disgaea 3 Turn animations back on for the final boss $200.00 $200.00
Voice Language Eternal Sonata Choose the language the game will be run in $82.03
Controller Cam Final Fantasy IV $5.00 $250.00
Credits Warp Showcase Final Fantasy IV Zeromus? Who's that? $250.00 $250.00
Crush or Save Ben Final Fantasy IV You can either be fast or nice $0.00
Fight the Big Doll Final Fantasy IV Fight the Big Calbrena Doll $500.00 $500.00
Name Cecil Final Fantasy IV 6 character limit $115.00
Name Kain Final Fantasy IV 6 character limit $553.83
Glitch/Oddity Showcase Drakkhen Drakkhen is a glitchy and odd game to begin with... $200.00 $200.00
Name the Fighter Drakkhen 8 character limit $202.00
Name the Magician Drakkhen 8 character limit $182.00
Name the Priestess Drakkhen 8 character limit $96.50
Name the Scout Drakkhen 8 character limit $192.00
Capsule Monster Used Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals $564.00
Name Maxim Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals 5 character limit $106.00
Name the Capsule Monster Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Whichever monster you pick, this will be its name. 5 character limit $100.00
Feed or Starve the Roos Ys Origin $82.50
Character Name The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 31 character limit $142.00
Character Portrait The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall You can replace the default character portraits with other images... $173.01
Class Name The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 14 character limit $15.00
Hero 3D Hard Mode Half-Minute Hero 2: The Second Coming Bonus run of a mode that greatly resembles Hero 3 mode in the first game. On Hard. $300.00 $300.00
Name Yuja Half-Minute Hero 2: The Second Coming 12 character limit $27.51
Name Yusha Half-Minute Hero 2: The Second Coming 12 character limit $15.50
Name Yushia Half-Minute Hero 2: The Second Coming 12 character limit $154.00
Name the Boy Final Fantasy Adventure 4 character limit $255.00
Name the Girl Final Fantasy Adventure 4 character limit $98.72
Route Choice Final Fantasy Adventure Final Fantasy Adventure can be speedrun using 2 very different routes - a Physical route that uses mostly weapons to fight enemies/bosses, and a Magic route that uses mostly spells instead. $145.00
Name Celes Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $335.00
Name Cyan Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $107.00
Name Edgar Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $137.50
Name Gau Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $179.00
Name Gogo Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $320.00
Name Locke Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $209.50
Name Mog Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $157.50
Name Relm Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $151.00
Name Sabin Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $236.00
Name Setzer Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $100.01
Name Shadow Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $100.00
Name Strago Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $172.00
Name Terra Final Fantasy VI 6 character limit $272.01
Opera: Draco Final Fantasy VI Which RPGLB '16 attendee should play Draco during the opera? $155.00
Opera: Impresario Final Fantasy VI Which RPGLB '16 attendee should play the Impresario during the opera? $165.00
Opera: Maria Final Fantasy VI Which RPGLB '16 attendee should play Maria during the opera? $505.00
Opera: Ralse Final Fantasy VI Which RPGLB '16 attendee should play Ralse during the opera? $271.00
Opera: Ultros Final Fantasy VI Which RPGLB '16 attendee should play Ultros during the opera? $116.54
Phantom Train Suplex Final Fantasy VI It's not a Real Run if you don't do it... $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Save or Kill Cid Final Fantasy VI $1,166.55
Text Box Background Final Fantasy VI ALL HAIL OUR LORD AND MASTER! (Or "Good Taste") $13,406.15
Good Ending Chrono Cross $1,053.48 $1,000.00
Name Fargo Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $517.36
Name Glenn Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $125.00
Name Harle Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $298.50
Name Kid Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $261.00
Name Leena Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $125.10
Name Marcy Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $260.00
Name Pierre Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $211.02
Name Serge Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $794.55
Name Sprigg Chrono Cross 6 character limit. Cannot be named "Crono" or "Chrono". $83.00
Save or Leave Kid Chrono Cross Should the runners do the burning orphanage sidequest and use Kid for the endgame? $1,095.00
Text Window Frame Chrono Cross Text window frame choice $214.51
Show Beast God's Reign Radiant Historia In this bad ending, Gafka kills everyone $230.00 $200.00
Show Ongoing Calamity Radiant Historia In this bad ending, Stocke marries Raynie $200.00 $200.00
Show Simmering Fury Ending Radiant Historia In this bad ending, Marco kills everyone $200.00 $200.00
Name the Hero Dragon Quest III 8 character limit $327.00
Name the Mage Warrior Dragon Quest III 8 character limit $149.00
Name the Sage Dragon Quest III 8 character limit $210.00
Name the Warrior Dragon Quest III 8 character limit $131.00
Learn and Use Special Attacks Bravely Default $515.30 $500.00
Name Agnes Bravely Default 8 character limit $677.00
Name Edea Bravely Default 8 character limit $1,170.00
Name Ringabel Bravely Default 8 character limit $636.00
Name Tiz Bravely Default 8 character limit $618.59
Normal Speed Final Boss Bravely Default So you can actually tell what's going on... and hear more of the awesome music. $750.00 $750.00
Level 1 Critical Mode Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Run the game on the highest difficulty at level 1 $1,004.00 $1,000.00
Level 1 Data Org. RTA Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Lvl1 Critical Mode Organization XIII Data RTA $5,005.00 $5,000.00
Level 1 Sephiroth Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Fight Sephiroth at level one $500.00 $500.00
Level 1 Terra Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Fight Terra at level one $508.25 $500.00
Bonus Run: Oblivion Any% Puri_Puri will follow up Daggerfall by completing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion in under 5 minutes. $250.00 $250.00

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