Live A Live Any% Good Ending — RPG Limit Break 2024
Start Time: 2024-05-22T14:39:31-06:00 Run Time: 3:59:39




Name Description Amount Goal
Choose Voice Language Choose the Voice Language for the Live A Live run $43.00
Kill or Spare Mad Dog Kill or Spare Mad Dog during the Wild West scenario $5.00
Name Akira Name Akira - 16 character limit $27.00
Name Cube Name Cube - 15 character limit $60.00
Name Earthen Heart Name Earthen Heart - 17 character limit (has Shifu added to the end of the name) $20.00
Name Masaru Name Masaru - 24 character limit $30.00
Name Oboromaru Name Oboromaru - 24 character limit $6.00
Name Oersted Name Oersted - 24 character limit $295.00
Name Pogo Name Pogo - 24 character limit $52.00
Name Sundown Name Sundown - 19 character limit $5.00
Sing Buriki Daioh Song If met bramhallthefifth will sing the Buriki Daioh song during the Mecha chapter $250.00 $250.00
Upgrade Twilight of Edo Japan to Pacifist If met, bramhallthefifth will complete the Twilight of Edo Japan scenario without killing anyone $415.00 $400.00
View all Watanabe Scenes If met, bramhallthefifth will show all Watanabe (father & son) scenes during the run $250.00 $250.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty