Donor Index — All Events

Donor Max/Avg/Median: $48,752.00/$141.96/$30.00

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Yami0601 $40.00 (2) $30.00/$20.00
Chaos Enjoyer $40.00 (4) $10.00/$10.00
picometer $40.00 (3) $25.00/$13.33
Quasar $40.00 (2) $20.00/$20.00
Aeros $40.00 (2) $30.00/$20.00
Xepnes $40.00 (1) $40.00/$40.00
[GER] Blooddive $40.00 (1) $40.00/$40.00
KwehstopherWarken $40.00 (3) $30.00/$13.33
Sangora $39.95 (1) $39.95/$39.95
Parker, Kyle (Kaypar) $39.00 (3) $25.00/$13.00
Bungied2thetree $38.45 (3) $25.00/$12.82
Jowzer $38.37 (2) $25.00/$19.18
Maffoonian $38.00 (6) $25.00/$6.33
SandyBeach_IRL $38.00 (7) $10.00/$5.43
Giggle_Party $38.00 (1) $38.00/$38.00
Kard Fett $38.00 (3) $25.00/$12.67
Zephyr $38.00 (3) $31.00/$12.67
Dat Boi $38.00 (3) $18.00/$12.67
H..., Johnson (Zest) $37.00 (2) $26.00/$18.50
Piemaster80 $37.00 (3) $20.00/$12.33
Absalon $37.00 (2) $20.00/$18.50
Lance $36.78 (3) $20.00/$12.26
Mr. Bing $36.12 (2) $21.12/$18.06
Cook, Lucas (Ravlin) $36.01 (5) $11.01/$7.20
Evelyn $36.00 (2) $18.00/$18.00
Untimelydoom $36.00 (1) $36.00/$36.00
Fee, John (Dalrint) $36.00 (3) $25.00/$12.00
revenantkioku $35.55 (2) $30.00/$17.77
dakitticat $35.48 (2) $23.14/$17.74
AdmiralAardvark $35.02 (1) $35.02/$35.02
Bravosama $35.01 (1) $35.01/$35.01
rkarker08 $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Fullwagon $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Phixious and parallax $35.00 (3) $25.00/$11.67
Haan $35.00 (3) $25.00/$11.67
[FR] Totagut $35.00 (4) $15.00/$8.75
Namux $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Alakazam3000 $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Chelney $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
sortuhh $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Dent $35.00 (2) $20.00/$17.50
Joel $35.00 (3) $20.00/$11.67
The Conductor $35.00 (2) $30.00/$17.50
Devi Serene $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Bartpig $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Nathan $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Leuschel, Katherine (WaddlePop) $35.00 (2) $30.00/$17.50
Dayrion $35.00 (2) $25.00/$17.50
Hanetsune $35.00 (2) $20.00/$17.50
Drinks Glue $35.00 (2) $20.00/$17.50

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