Donor Index — All Events

Donor Max/Avg/Median: $48,752.00/$141.96/$30.00

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Hupailija $65.00 (2) $40.00/$32.50
Dawnvenure $65.00 (3) $30.00/$21.67
TokuHer0 $65.00 (7) $25.00/$9.29
Lavitz951 $65.00 (5) $20.00/$13.00
Frolki84 $65.00 (3) $30.00/$21.67
Thomas L. $65.00 (7) $15.00/$9.29
KoishiChan $65.00 (6) $20.00/$10.83
Cassi $65.00 (3) $25.00/$21.67
VacantMind $65.00 (3) $50.00/$21.67
W..., Gregory (Xudmud) $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Rutledge, James (Nathander) $65.00 (2) $40.00/$32.50
Veraphage $65.00 (5) $20.00/$13.00
mercurius_59 $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
CarpetCrawler $65.00 (6) $25.00/$10.83
RebelDragon95 $65.00 (4) $30.00/$16.25
Anenzoras $65.00 (3) $30.00/$21.67
Kokoronis $65.00 (4) $20.00/$16.25
Fishy $65.00 (3) $30.00/$21.67
Riley, Andrew ([email protected]) $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Re-Translated $65.00 (4) $20.00/$16.25
Alyceen $65.00 (2) $50.00/$32.50
Rilvenar $65.00 (4) $30.00/$16.25
Aster $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Zic3 $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Deuceler $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Bonnar, Joe (Joseph Fox) $65.00 (4) $40.00/$16.25
DarkTerrex $65.00 (4) $25.00/$16.25
Emily $65.00 (3) $25.00/$21.67
wagtehdog $64.30 (5) $34.30/$12.86
Dadwise $64.00 (1) $64.00/$64.00
NomnomNami $64.00 (2) $44.00/$32.00
nottle_ $63.00 (6) $25.00/$10.50
ZachStarwars $63.00 (2) $38.00/$31.50
halqery $63.00 (5) $30.00/$12.60
dutchblondenesseofdoom $62.03 (4) $40.00/$15.51
Balto, Jennifer (Dakitteh) $62.00 (3) $40.00/$20.67
Kokuru $60.00 (2) $50.00/$30.00
Beardcat $60.00 (2) $50.00/$30.00
FinalFantasy12Enjoyer $60.00 (2) $50.00/$30.00
Piatt, Nick (kFrog) $60.00 (1) $60.00/$60.00
Smarvelous $60.00 (6) $10.00/$10.00
EnchanterTim $60.00 (5) $20.00/$12.00
Austin $60.00 (3) $30.00/$20.00
Lee, Sean (AzHP) $60.00 (4) $20.00/$15.00
H..., Blake (SirWilliam) $60.00 (1) $60.00/$60.00
Heartofthecards78 $60.00 (2) $30.00/$30.00
DarkDearDevil( Ger ) $60.00 (1) $60.00/$60.00
GracefulShutdown $60.00 (2) $50.00/$30.00
Knightsavior $60.00 (2) $30.00/$30.00
Food $60.00 (3) $25.00/$20.00

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