Comment |
Aithere everyone on the couch and watching the event. I love a good pun but sadly there isn't a Favorite Thing option for the upcoming Mother run, so I'll unleash a PK Pun Alpha to get everyone warmed up:
Lloyd walked up to Teddie after a show and said, "That was a pretty good Giegue just had there at the club. I'm feeling really Pippi after hearing your song. I want a sword Ana set of cool shades like you." Teddie replied, "Thanks, kid. But I'm thinking of changing my name to Sega. After all, I do things that Ninten don't." Sofia good about the rest of Star Ocean 3. You're doing great so far! |
Run | Name | Amount |
EarthBound Any% Glitchless Relay Race | Favorite Food -- Lantis | $50.00 |