leon, man. ok so like this dude goes to military school operated by a big slug man and he doesn't really like his classmates he just wants to train with the dinosaurs living in the school that came down to the planet from the moon but then a witch fires missiles at the school so he teams up with this dude that can punch dolphins at people and flies the school into the ocean. The witch lady puts his girlfriend into a coma so they go to space but then there's a space witch there so they have to escape into another spaceship with more dinosaurs in it except these dinosaurs are purple. They kill the dinosaurs and fly back down to the planet and his dad is like "hey i have an idea why dont you let the space witch eat your girlfriend so we can travel to the future" and oh my god there are so many witches that time just kind of collapses in on itself and there is nothing but triple triad for daiz