Time Received: 2022-10-22T23:17:27-06:00 — Amount: $100.00

(Note to mods. If possible. Can this be read during the finale? If not, that’s fine. Thanks! Also sorry for the length)Hi RPG Limit Break! Like many of you, it’s been a rough couple of years. However, this year has hurt. I lost a grandmother in June, and I have another is who is suffering from heart failure. In fact, my Primary Care Physician has recommended that I seek mental health care. But I’m one of the lucky ones. I’ve sought care in the past. So, I’m fine with doing that and am working to do so. It’s not easy. Yes, we all worry about what others will think of us. And we also worry about what the professional will think of our issues. But taking that first step is important. A journey starts with a single step, after all!This week, in particular, has been rough. So, running across RPGLB live was something I honestly needed. I only got to watch the VODs in the past (since I’m not really familiar with Twitch), but I’ve been tuned in all week and enjoying the runs and the community. So, with that. Please allow me to give my thanks.Twitch Chat! You have been so opening and welcoming to a newbie like me. While many of us who watch are probably just lurking, don’t be afraid to jump in. This community has been nothing but warm fuzzy feelings.Mods! Thank you for keeping those warm fuzzy feelings going. Moderating is not an easy job and takes a lot of skill and split-second decision-making. Thank you again for making RPGLB’s chat a safe and welcoming experience.Hosts! You bring the energy and the news for us. You never let us forget the goal that we are striving for. Raising money for NAMI is an honorable goal, but it’s easy sometimes to forget that as we get lost in these amazing runs.Tech Crew! As a System Administrator in my day-to-day, I have a small idea of what it’s like to deal with problems in a production environment (I spent my time at the help desk). We can’t have a marathon without you, so thank you for being the ninjas we never see but keep the show safe from trouble or solving it when it happens.Runners! We can’t have a marathon without you. From preparing, to submission, to practicing for the main show, you entertain and bring people in to donate. Again, thank you for taking our minds off of the troubling moments of our day-to-day and for taking the time to volunteer for this effort. Speaking of.Volunteers, NAMI, and anyone I may have forgotten. Thank you for your efforts. Without you, we don’t have RPGLB. We also aren’t able to raise awareness about the issue of Mental Health. It pains me that we even need to have a marathon to raise money for this issue because of the stigma surrounding it. However, until that stigma fades, we NEED you! Please never give up! Even when it seems like you aren’t making a difference. You do make a difference!Apologies for this long message, but I hope you all understand just how important you are to even people like me who might not be on Twitch often (I learned of you through your YouTube VODs). You all matter, and I wish the best for all of you. For those of you contributing remotely, thank you! And for those of you who are traveling home. Stay safe! I won’t say sayonara but matta aimashou or in Japanese. Let’s meet again!TheBurningHunter

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty