Time Received: 2021-11-14T19:21:52.597439-07:00 — Amount: $50.00

Fun CT Fact: After saving all of time and space with her friends, Lucca decided to expand her inventing operations. In order to raise capital for her many ventures, she started Guardia's first crowd-funding operation, FUND-HER-LOT.Having seen the devastation of 2300 A.D., particularly the ongoing storms that ravaged the landscape, her first project was a simple but super-durable metallic pole that would divert lightning strikes from nearby people and property. This THUNDERSPOT was hailed as an immediate hit for the young inventor. Riding the wave of success, Lucca moved on to the world of publishing. Tired of constantly having to scrap and reprint royal decrees for the smallest of errors or minor misspellings, Queen Nadia's court scribes were overjoyed by the introduction of the BLUNDERNOT, an ingenious quill-like device that prevented the user from committing any written mistake to parchment.Turning her attention to the world of cooking, Lucca's next invention stumped chefs and diners alike. By dumping a random pile of ingredients inside, the WONDERPOT would produce a delicious meal in under a minute! Some concern arose around the fact that regardless of which ingredients were used, it always produced the same meal (lemon chicken with brown rice), but ultimately the device was too popular to support a royal inquiry. Having amassed quite a fortune by this time, Lucca decided she wanted to fulfill a childhood fantasy. Ever since she was a small girl, she delighted in games of make-believe in which she was a pirate queen upon the high seas! Incorporating many stereotypical but charming "pirate" motifs, her massive ship, the PLUNDERNAUGHT, was a fearsome sight indeed, but did not actually engage in any boarding, murder, or theft. Truly, this young woman was a prodigy of machines and an inspiration to many young Guardian inventors who followed in her footsteps. But despite all these achievements, when asked what her favorite invention of all time was, her answer was always the same. "My dad's WONDERSHOT, of course!Well, when it works."

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty