Time Received: 2020-11-07T05:56:55.993693-07:00 — Amount: $50.00

Great to see my friend haktical here with Dragon Quest III. You know, I've never had the best marathon luck with this one, but you know what they say: Independent Events! Whatever is going on in the run, I'm sure that: "It's fine." Best of luck!

Oh and here's a bonus: $10 more for each Metal Slime we kill with SUM-Needle. Let's go, poison!

Thanks so much, everyone!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Chrono Trigger Glitchless 100% w/ Manipulation Fight the Nu's at Enhasa $25.33
Dragon Quest III Any% Sing the Credits $24.67

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty